The eastward extension of the Cuban sugar industry and the control of its market. José Miguel Tarafa and the Corporate Management Project of Power Plants and Railways, 1907-1914
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The sugar industry expanded at the beginning of the 20th century in Eastern Cuba, which barely had it. The process coincided with the conditions of high demand and prices and low tariffs that the First World War entailed and for this reason it was accelerated and required a large amount of capital, contributed by United States financial groups, which ended up predominating in the ownership of the sugar mills. This article shows that this has prevented us from seeing that the process began earlier, when the market and political situation allowed to maximize the supply capacity and infrastructures reestablished and created after the island war of independence, and linked to the struggle of local producers with its clients (North-American refiners) to improve their profit margin in the item's value chain, which required controlling a large quantity of it and its transportation. José M. Tarafa designed the main project in this regard. He planned to buy existing mills and build others and a railroad in the north of Camagüey, the region most devoid of them, but he only achieved the last two objectives, and for that reason the change in conditions that the Great War meant is unknown. However, it is possible to know what it would have meant to buy it with another similar one that Manuel Rionda was able to materialize, although with the aforementioned financial resources and without the components of the former in terms of leadership of the national business community and capture of a greater profit margin in the commercialization of the sugar.
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