El tráfico de influencias en la España franquista: decisiones públicas, beneficios privados

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Francisco Javier Fernández Roca


During the first regime of the Franco dictatorship, the economic policy implemented in Spain was autarky. This policy and the high level of government interventionism lead the economic agents to behave as rent-seekers instead of seeking efficiency. In this paper, we firstly study the peddling of political favors not only through direct deliveries of assets but also trough the slanted assignments of goods. These two aspects were legitimized, in some way, by the State. Secondly, we analyze the role played by the government administrative and bureaucratic structures. Lastly, we study the private profits obtained from both economic programs and the regulations established by the economic policy.


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Author Biography

Francisco Javier Fernández Roca

Es doctor en Historia por la Universidad de Sevilla y actualmente es profesor titular de la Universidad Pablo de Olavide. Autor de hytasa 1937-1980. Orto y ocaso de la industria textil sevillana, Sevilla, 1998, y de diversos capítulos de libros, entre ellos, “Management Strategies of Ecclesiastical Patrimonies in Spain (1900-1936)” en Maarten van Dijck, Jan de Maeyer, Jeffrey Tyssens y Jimmy Koppen (eds.), The Economics of Providence. Management, Finances and Patrimony of Religious Orders and Congregations in Europe, 1773-ca. 1930, Louvain, Louvain University Press, en prensa, y “Prudencio Pumar” en A. Parejo (ed.), Cien empresarios andaluces, Madrid, Lid, 2010, pp. 556-562. También es autor de diversos artículos, entre ellos, “Monks and Businessmen in Catalonia: The Benedictines of Montserrat (1900-1936)”, Enterprise & Society, vol. 11, núm. 2, junio de 2010, pp. 242-274, y “Los archivos de empresas para el estudio de la historia económica”, Arche. Revista Andaluza de Archivos, Junta de Andalucía, núm. 2, enero de 2010, pp. 93-108.