The financial reform of 1946 and the industrial sector in Argentina during Peronism (1946-1955): The cases of Alpargatas, S. A., and Acindar, S. A.

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Lionel Alberto Barbagallo
Marcelo Rougier


The financial reform of 1946 in Argentina meant an important institutional reorganization of the State, the banking system and the economic orientation. Among its salient aspects stand out the great expansion of the volume of credit and the existence of strongly negative real interest rates stand out. Several authors have pointed out the important transfer of income that this dynamic meant towards the industrial sector. However, there have been no case studies of industrial companies to verify this hypothesis. From the study of the accounting of Alpargatas S. A. and Acindar S. A., this work seeks to quantify the impact of the 1946 reform on financing strategies, investment and economic results. It is based on the hypothesis that such said reform facilitated industrial investment and, through subsidized interest rates, constituted a key source of benefits for the industrial sector.


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