Colonización agrícola y distribución de la riqueza inmobiliaria en la provincia de Santa Fe, Argentina, 1864-1875

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Juan Luis Martirén


The paper seeks to measure wealth distribution in the agricultural colonies of Santa Fe Province, Argentina from the 1860s to the 1880s. Santa Fe province is located in the Pampean region, an area of fertile plains and the source of Argentina’s agricultural and economic development in the nineteenth century. Using records from the contribución directa (a provincial tax on the individual wealth of each contributor) for fiscal years 1864, 1867, 1868 and 1875 (supplemented with records of the National Census of 1869), we analyze the evolution of the spatial distribution of wealth in the older colonies and compare that variable with the satellite colonies that began to appear in the late 1860s. The goal is to show the unique patterns by which the colonization process led to changes in farm and land productivity.


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Author Biography

Juan Luis Martirén

Becario del Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (Conicet) en el Instituto de Historia Argentina y Americana Dr. Emilio Ravignani. Actualmente cursa el doctorado en Historia en la Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires. Entre sus publicaciones se encuentra, en coautoría con Julio Djenderedjian y Sílcora Bearzotti, Historia del capitalismo agrario pampeano: Expansión agrícola y colonización en la segunda mitad del siglo xix, Buenos Aires, Teseo, 2010, 2 tt.