Una familia de empresarios rurales en el sureste de Córdoba (1894-1930)

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Alejandra Massei


The new tendencies of analysis show the historical studies and especially the agrarian history, which mainly consists of reducing its observation range to smaller rooms, microanalysis or case studies. Our paper reduces its scale to only one productive unit, the San Jose ranch. Successful rural businesspeople, members of the Ariaudo family, were in charge of it from 1894 to 1930. In the paper we will show the managerial and working logic of the Ariaudo family developed by two generations. During the first years, we will analyze the founder, the continuity, and diversification of the activities carried out by his direct descendants. The account books of the San Jose ranch were used to develop the paper.


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Author Biography

Alejandra Massei

Centro de Estudios Históricos "Profesor Carlos Segreti", unidad asociada a CONICET, profesora y licenciada en historia, en la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. La autora se especializa en temas relacionados con la historia agraria; forma parte del equipo de investigación que dirige la licenciada Ana Inés Ferreyra sobre cuestiones agrarias en la provincia de Córdoba 1770-1930, de la que se procura captar los cambios, transformaciones y permanencias del mundo rural cordobés, contextualizado en el marco regional y nacional, Ha presentado trabajos en congresos nacionales e internacionales sobre su especialidad.