Cafeicultores e lavradores de roças de alimentos na transição do trabalho escravo ao livre (Campinas, 1850-1888)
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The article treats about the form like foods plantations countryman integrated the work market of plantation of coffee exportation, at the district of Campinas, São Paulo, among 1850-1888. The combination of sociologies researches and studies done to folk memory about the universe social-cultural of the social group with the investigation in discourses pronounced in the Legislative Assembly from São Paulo, propaganda of job publicized in the newspaper and in civil inquiry of the Court Justice from same city indicate a tense adjustment among sectors with differents systematics of work. The strong demand of the workers in the coffee plantations forced plantation-owner negotiated agreements of job with countryman, adjust with the traditional agrarian cycle of theirs food plantation, what created a relation of give service irregular, accept, but frustrated for the expectation of the sector agrarian exportation.
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