La hacienda azucarera morelense: un balance historiográfico

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Irving Reynoso Jaimes


This article is a review and a balance of the historiography production about the theme of the Morelos' sugar haciendas. It presents, in a historical synthesis, the origins of the sugar agro industry in the region since the colonial period, following its development through the nineteen century and the first decade of the twenty century, considering to its principal aspects, such as the production, the territorial expansion, the work force and the sugar technology. It considers the most relevant investigations about the theme, the principal debates generated and some considerations for the future investigations.


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Author Biography

Irving Reynoso Jaimes

El autor cursa la maestría en historia moderna y contemporánea en el Instituto de Investigaciones Dr. José María Luis Mora. Participa en proyectos de rescate y edición de fuentes para el estudio de la historia de Morelos.