Early policies on non-neutrality of money and confidence for economic growth, Alberto J. Pani: Monetary multipliers in Mexico, 1925-1940 Multiplicadores monetários no México, 1925-1940.

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Zeus Salvador Hernández Veleros, Dr.
Juan Roberto Vargas Sánchez, Dr.


Alberto J. Pani pointed to the monetary policy errors of 1931 as a key cause of the worsening crisis in Mexico, and was a world pioneer in recognizing the relationship between the real and the financial economy. This paper examines the strategies and actions implemented by Pani as Secretary of Finance between 1932 and 1933, covering fiscal, monetary, banking, credit, commercial, industrial and international negotiations. We analyze the obstacles encountered in its application, the institutional limitations, as well as the influence of seigniorage, the relevance of the public deficit, and the notable increase in international reserves, all of this achieved without increasing debt or tax rates. This analysis suggests that the recovery was not due to the external sector, as others have argued. We calculate four multipliers for the period 1925-1940 and measure the impact of these policies on gdp. For Pani, the crucial element is confidence.


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Author Biographies

Zeus Salvador Hernández Veleros, Dr., Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Hidalgo

He is a research professor in the Academic Area of Economics at the Instituto de Ciencias Económico Administrativas. He is a Level I in the National System of Researchers. He is a consultant on quantitative and simulation issues, and has worked on port, fiscal, environmental and cluster issues. He worked at the Economic Analysis and Technical Support Unit of the Undersecretary of Revenue of the Government of the State of Mexico and was Deputy Director of Quantitative Methods at the National Institute of Migration. He began his teaching activities at the Universidad Anáhuac in 1997 and that same year at the Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Hidalgo. He has been a professor at institutions such as El Colegio Mexiquense, the Faculty of Economics of the Autonomous University of the State of Mexico, the Institute of Public Administration of the State of Hidalgo, the Technological Institute of Monterrey, the University of Quintana Roo. He works growth models with aspects of econometric measurement, time series and simulation, in this sense his most recent co-authored publication is "Gasto público y crecimiento en un modelo con dos sectores: tasas impositivas óptimas" (Public spending and growth in a model with two sectors: optimal tax rates). He developed methodologies to determine the distribution of the world product based on the multinomial distribution, which surpasses other existing ones because it envisions the form that the distribution of world income could have and also determines the probable magnitudes. It has proposals to define the economic cycle and long term growth based on the multinomial distribution and the Dirichlet-multinomial distribution. He works on issues of economic history and argues that the Mexican Alberto J. Pani established principles that were ahead of the contributions of renowned economists of the 20th century, such as Milton Friedman, or those who see individuals as the foundations of macroeconomics, not aggregate variables. He received his master's degree from the Centro de Investigación y Docencia Económicas (CIDE) and his doctorate from the University of Barcelona, where he unanimously obtained Cum Laude Mention, and his degree in Economics from the Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México.

Juan Roberto Vargas Sánchez, Dr., Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Hidalgo

  • Vargas Sánchez Juan Roberto y Gaytán Alfaro Edgar David (2019). Análisis de multiplicadores y flujos de comercialización intersectoriales de la economía del estado de Hidalgo, México. Acta Universitaria, Volumen 29, e2173, pp. 1-14 ISSN electrónico 2007-9621.  DOI http://doi.org/10.15174/au.2019.2173
  • Gaytán Alfaro Edgar David y Juan Roberto Vargas Sánchez (2019). Agrupamientos industriales de la economía del estado de Hidalgo: un enfoque de insumo-producto. Economía Sociedad y Territorio, Volumen XIX, Número 60, pp. 47-78 ISSN electrónico 2448-6183.  DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.22136/est20191307
  • Velázquez Orihuela Daniel, Juan Roberto Vargas Sánchez y Zeus Salvador Hernández Veleros (2019). The Effect of Public Investment on the Cycle and Economic Growth: A Simple Theoretical Model. International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues, No. 1, Vol. 9, pp. 37-50. ISSN: 2146-4138. DOI: https://doi.org/10.32479/ijefi.7237.
  • Gaytán Alfaro Edgar David, Mario Alberto Mendoza Sánchez y Juan Roberto Vargas Sánchez (2018). Minería y encadenamientos productivos en México: un estudio comparativo empleando modelos estatales de insumo producto. Economía Coyuntural, Revista de Temas de Coyuntura y Perspectivas, No. 2, Vol. 3. pp. 1-31, ISSN 2415-0630 (en línea); ISSN 2415-0622


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