On the border: political and economic tensions of the cattle industry in Northern Coahuila, 1947-1982

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Reynaldo De los Reyes Patiño


The main goal of this paper is to analyze how, in the middle of the 20th century, Mexican and US national policies altered the regional cross-border dynamics of cattle ranching in Northern Coahuila. The study focuses on political and economic tensions generated by the closing of the border in the wake of the 1947 sanitary crisis, to explain that the territorial withdrawal of the Coahuila cattle ranching, in an unfavorable environmental context, produced the conditions that stopped its dynamism in the following years. The paper closes around 1982, when the Mexican state began to decrease the economic regulations that gave rise to free trade policies.


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Author Biography

Reynaldo De los Reyes Patiño, El Colegio de México

El Colegio de México - Estudiante de Doctorado (agosto 2017).



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AGEC Archivo General del Estado de Coahuila, México.

AHA Archivo Histórico del Agua, Ciudad de México, México.

BCAH Briscoe Center for American History, Universidad de Texas, Austin, Estados Unidos.