Historical Stages of the relationship between the International Monetary Fund and Latin America (1944-2015)

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Pablo Nemiña
Juan Larralde


The paper proposes an Economic History analysis of the relationship between the International Monetary Fund (imf) and the Latin American countries during the period from 1944 to 2015. Although there are important antecedents of the analysis of the relationship at the national level, there is a vacancy in relation to the analysis of the link at the regional level. It is suggested that the political orientation of the imf and the governments, the macroeconomic context, and the prevailing economic ideas are decisive elements to understand the configuration of the relationship between the imf and the Latin American nations. Six historical stages can be identified according to the central guidelines of the implemented economic policies and the characteristics of the credits and conditions demanded by the organism, some of them of intense approach as during the 80s and 90s, and others of greater distance as the past decade.


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Author Biographies

Pablo Nemiña, Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas

Investigador Asistente del Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas, con sede en el Instituto de Altos Estudios Sociales de la Universidad Nacional de San Martín. Investigador Asociado del Área de Relaciones Internacionales de la Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales – Argentina. E-mail: pablonemina@yahoo.com.ar

Juan Larralde, Banco Central de la República Argentina

Analista de Relaciones y Acuerdos Internacionales del Banco Central de la República Argentina. E-mail: jlarralde@gmail.com


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