Alternatives of State Interventionism in the Sugar Agroindustry. Argentina and Brazil, 1880-1938

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Daniel Campi
Heitor Pinto de Moura Filho
María Celia Bravo


This paper proposes a comparative analysis of the various options of State intervention in the sugar agroindustry, which were implemented in Brazil and Argentina beginning in the 1880s. Overproduction crisis, loss of international competitiveness, conflicts among the various actors and production zones, all led to new institutional arrangements in each country, as they sought to increase prices, harmonize interests and bring planning to an always complex market. The analysis closes in 1937-1938 with the start of the Estado Novo experience in Brazil, which increases state intervention, and the failure, in Argentina, of the attempt to approve a law which would involve the State decisively in the development of the sugar industry.


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Author Biographies

Daniel Campi, Universidad Nacional de Tucumán

Heitor Pinto de Moura Filho, Associação Biblioteca de Cultura

María Celia Bravo, Universidad Nacional de Tucumán