A Program that ‘Cannot Conform to All’: Economics and Bureaucracy in the Final Years of the First Peronist

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Marcelo Norberto Rougier Violláz
Martín Stawski


This article explores some aspects of the Peronist government’s economic policy in the period from 1953 to 1954 at the time of consolidation of the changes made to the initial economic policy after the crisis of 1949-1952. Specifically we study a program scarcely considered by the historians, the Action Plan for National Economic Balance of October 1954, and bureaucratic changes that accompanied it. Thus, our goal is to tie the analysis of the amendments made in the areas of economic management with the measures taken in regard to economic policy, with the specific purpose of identifying the links between the two areas and arrive at a more complete understanding of actions and determinants of these changes.


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Author Biographies

Marcelo Norberto Rougier Violláz, Universidad de Buenos Aires


Martín Stawski, Universidad Nacional de Tres de Febrero
