The Oscillating Postures of a Centennial Wine Corporation against the Regulation of the Industry, Mendoza, 1930-1955

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Ana María Mateu


In the analyzed period, the regulations to the wine industry of Mendoza had different levels of tolerance that were expressed in the contradictions of the discourse of the National Wine Centre, long-lived business corporation, which ranged among the worries for the profitability of the wine business and the advances of the free market. This game between public policies and corporate entrepreneurs is precisely the subject of this research that focuses between 1930 and 1955, year of the decline of the first Peronism. The initial regulations deferred improvements in the production process having the support of the National Wine Centre, which, however, years later, with short memory, forgot the claimed support from the State and declared against, what it considered totalitarian policies.


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Ana María Mateu, Universidad Nacional de Cuyo