Del dicho al hecho. El “modelo integrado y abierto” de Aldo Ferrer y la política económica en la Argentina de la segunda posguerra
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This article intends to reflect on the ideas of Aldo Ferrer, its contributions to Latin American economic thought and the impacts they had when they were implemented, after his author were appointed Minister in 1970. We analyze the “integrated and open model” that Ferrer developed in the sixties as the strategy to overcome the underdevelopment and dependence of Argentina. We start by presenting the evolution of his previous ideas in relation to the problems of the Argentine economy, particularly industrial ones, to analyze then the assumptions and main variables of his proposal. Thirdly, we shall consider the broad debate between local economists that his position gave rise, and that in part guided economic policies until 1976. Finally, we indicate the lasting effect that the implementation of his ideas had on the business and industrial structure of the country.
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