La organización de la propiedad en la provincia de Córdoba: de la etapa de las autonomías provinciales al Estado nacional. Argentina, siglo XIX
Main Article Content
In the province of Córdoba until the middle of the 20th century, the issue of land ownership was not a central one; and even when it did gain importance, the prevailing conditions did not facilitate its resolution. However, from the 1860s on, the emergence of certain policies and institutions –among them, the organization and control of the professional knowledge and practice related to land ownership– gradually encouraged the consolidation of noticeable advances in this area. The main objective of this paper is to analyse the context in which those institutions were created, their work, the role of the State, the impact on the professionals concerned with land ownership –the land surveyors– and on their know-how, as well as the attitude of owners and occupants of the land when confronted with the new regulations. Finally, it aims at describing the practices and links created by the different stakeholders in the public land business.
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