Precursores del "consenso": itinerarios de algunas ideas en Brasil y Argentina, 1961-1991
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We intend to continue, analyzing the Instituto de Pesquisas e Estudos Sociais, the Fundación de Investigaciones Económicas Latinoamericanas and the Fundación Mediterránea, some paths itineraries by precursors of the policies implemented in Brazil and Argentina as belonging to the "Washington Consensu", which have been the result of a slow open section with the crisis of the developmental model and Fordism, which led to the breakdown of the state and greater economic, demanding answers from a different theoretical and technical arsenal, now procured by groups business and technical executives who concomitantly to its local roots in international networks would be inserted, mostly encouraged and monitored by North-American institutions and multilateral agencies, and they found in authoritarian governments to eliminate half its former or potential competitors, allowing a common body of ideas arise, would make walking and conquer legitimacy.
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