Déficit, crédito y deuda pública. Córdoba, Argentina, 1920-1940

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Félix Elvio Converso


The intention of this article is to study the evolution of the finances of the province of Cordoba, circumscribing it to the analysis of the internal and external credit. Besides, to establish the dimension of the resulting national debt and its service, without losing of sight the use of the received capitals and the emitted internal titles. Including an inter-war period of importance in the Argentine economy, which simultaneously was shocked by the effects of two major crises, conventionally placed in 1914 and 1930.


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Author Biography

Félix Elvio Converso

Licenciado y doctor en Historia. Actualmente es investigador contratado del Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET) con desempeño en el Centro de Investigaciones de la Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades de la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Ha publicado medio centenar de artículos y cuatro libros sobre temas de historia económica, particularmente referidos a la circulación mercantil y a las finanzas regionales.