La industria textil uruguaya (1900-1960)

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Magdalena Bertino


The Uruguayan textile industry started in the early XXth century based on the production of woven fabric and wool spinning mill (tops). From the years of the 1929's crisis onwards, it went through a great expansion due to a protectionist policy based on favorable exchange rates. Those were the times of the Import Substitutive Industrialization (ISI) in the country. After the Second World War and, particularly, during the fifties it reached its height with the production of cotton fabrics and synthetic fibers. Meanwhile, wool exports would grow strongly. However, in the late fifties, the ISI strategy was in trouble and the obstacles for export's growth and the economic stagnation together with the removal of the protectionist's policies, put an end to the textile industry development. As a consequence, it experienced a deep crisis and lost importance both for the industry and for the economy as a whole.


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Author Biography

Magdalena Bertino

Coordinadora del Área de Historia Económica del Instituto de Economía (Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y de Administración-Universidad de la República, Uruguay). Profesora de historia y magister en historia económica. Tesis: “Integración y estructura del capital en la industria textil uruguaya 1900-1960”. Principales obras: Historia económica del Uruguay, vols. I (1991), II (1996) y III (2005); El PBI del Uruguay, 1900-1955 (1999); “La larga marcha hacia un frágil resultado 1900-1957”, en La economía del Uruguay en el siglo xx (2001). Coordinadora de tres proyectos de investigación sobre las finanzas públicas uruguayas (2002-2007). Presidenta de la Asociación Uruguaya de Historia Económica (AUDHE) durante el periodo 2003-2005.