La participación mercantil de campesinos y campesinos-indígenas en el espacio rural de Córdoba (1750-1850)

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Sonia Tell


The present article intends to contribute to a topic which has been scarcely studied in Argentina: the circuits of mercantile participation of peasants and indigenous peasants during the colonial period and first half of the XIX century.The study is centered in the Córdoba province between 1750 and 1850. It starts describing the available sources and their main differences with those which were used in similar studies for other Spanish American regions. On the basis of these sources two types of circuits are analyzed. First, those which were organized and controlled by the rural merchants. Second, the circuits of direct trade and exchange of products carried out by peasants and indigenous peasants in and out of the province. The purpose of this reconstruction is to show the different logic that guided the mercantile participation of these sectors of rural population.


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Author Biography

Sonia Tell

Es doctora en historia por la Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires. Se desempeña actualmente como Becaria Posdoctoral del Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET) de la Argentina y como integrante del Programa de Historia Regional Andina, en el Area de Historia del Centro de Investigaciones de la Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades (CIFFyH) de la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Sus investigaciones giran en torno al problema de la reproducción económica y social de las unidades domésticas rurales de la jurisdicción de Córdoba en el marco de las transformaciones políticas y económicas ocurridas entre mediados del siglo XVIII y mediados del siglo XIX, tema sobre el cual ha publicado varios artículos.