Mano de obra indígena en las haciendas jesuitas de Ica-Perú (1767-1800)
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Once the compilation of the laws of the Indies was published (1681), the legal status of the Indians seemed to change. However, in practice the hacienda consolidated the labour regime adapting it to its needs, and prevailed over the colonial laws. In the specific case of the coast of lea, once the Jesuits had been expelled, the Indian populations continued supplying part of the labour required in the haciendas through the corregidores (rural magistrates). Indian labour was essential for the development of the hacienda, and was even a support in times of crisis when the slaves fell sick or fled due to the precarious lives they led throughout the eighteenth century. Leases are more complex point even within the indiano laws, in the relation between the hacienda and Indian labour.
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