The sources of financing for the chemical industry in Brazil: an analysis of the Sociedade de Productos Chimicos L. Queiroz, 1913-1940

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Italo do Nascimento Mendonça
Michel Deliberali Marson


The objective of the article is to understand the sources of financing that allowed the evolution and growth of the chemical industry in Brazil, taking as a case study the Sociedade de Productos Chimicos “L. Queiroz” in the period between 1913 and 1940. We sought to analyze accounting liabilities to understand the evolution of the origin of the company's financial resources. It was identified that most of the capital necessary for the expansion and consolidation of the company was obtained through the capital market. This source of resources was important in the period between 1913 and 1919 – the first six years in which the company was publicly traded; and between 1923 and 1925, when the company used the capital market to finance the expansion of its facilities and diversify its production matrix.


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