The poverty line before official statistics: a methodological discussion for the case of Chile
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The main aim of this article is to analyze the methodological procedure for estimating the poverty line in Chile before the official statistics. The method can be replicable to other Latin American countries, and it is based on the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) approach. The historical archives used in this research are the following: the Encuesta de Ocupación y Desocupación del Gran Santiago conducted by the Instituto de Economía y Planificación of the University of Chile, the National Nutritional Survey conducted by ministries of Health, Defense, and Agriculture (in cooperation with the Interdepartmental Committe on Nutrition for National Defense of USA), and the Anuario de Comercio Interior y Comunicaciones published by the National Statistical Office. This work provides one of the first attempts to directly estimate the incidence of poverty before 1968.
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