Perdigão and the formation of a business group in Brazil: characteristics and strategies (1934-2009)

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Angelo Brião Zanela Zanela
Armando João Dalla Costa


The main objective of this work was to present Perdigão, S.A., as a model of a business group consolidated in Brazil between 1934-2009. Submerged in a scenario full of instabilities and uncertainties that usually characterize peripheral economies, Perdigão promoted strategies that allowed it to differentiate it from most large companies consolidated in mature economies. Therefore, we conclude that throughout its 75 years of history, Perdigão has been characterized as a business group organizational model capable of adopting strategies that allowed it to exploit the synergies created by the complementary activities between the meat and meat products sectors and consolidate itself among the largest of the food industry in Brazil.


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Author Biography

Armando João Dalla Costa, Universidade Federal do Paraná, Paraná, Brasil.

Doutor pela Université de la Sorbonne Nouvelle Paris III. Professor no Departamento de Economia da UFPR e Coordenador do Núcleo de Pesquisa em Economia Empresarial.